Thursday, November 10, 2011


By Brigadier(Retd) Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
The Indian press enjoys freedom of thought and expression like in any other democratic country. The world media acknowledges it and gives credit to the Indian constitution and its implementation in word and spirit. Both China and Pakistan are jealous of the state of the Indian press and its global appreciation. Breathing free and fresh air is a privilege alien to China and Pakistan. The free world knows it too well that China is a communist totalitarian country and Pakistan is a terrorist state ruled by the army in turmoil. China has a one-party political system where the Communist Party of China is like a god because the communist-atheist regime knows no other god. Pakistan has rarely tasted the forbidden fruit of Democracy as it has all along been ruled by the army which knows only one rule: might is right.
What has provoked a rather unsavoury debate in columns of the print media and caused chats on TV to be lively beyond belief is the projected joint military exercises of the PLA of China and the Army of Pakistan near Islamabad and touching borders with India. Naturally the Indian press reacted and wrote about it truthfully analysing facts objectively. The high ranking military officers who lend a guiding hand to the Press in China and Pakistan were more than upset on reading reports and analyses in the Indian media on the so called joint military exercises ostensibly aimed at curbing terrorism but in fact assessing their plans for military encirclement of their common adversary, India. Their aim is to browbeat the Indian armed forces with their latest weapon systems, armaments, equipment and ballistic missiles.
People’s Republic of China has its one point agenda to encourage Pakistan and aid it militarily and monetarily to keep India bogged down in the regional marshy land; thus keep itself free to engage America to gain the status of a global power. Among the TEN Principles of War the first one is: AIM. Then comes Maintenance of AIM. China is absolutely clear about it and has been working on it for a fairly long time. The disenchantment of America with the duplicity of Pakistan and its consequent alienation has brought China and Pakistan still closer to cement their time-tested collaboration.
The year 2004 saw the first joint jingoism of generals of the two armies in the form of a military exercise on the soil of China. It was given the name YOUYI-I (Friendship One) and was rated as successful. The Chinese army generals called the shots and even the name was given in Chinese – YOUYI. Of course, there were no independent military observers. The examinees also doubled up as examiners. This year’s YOUYI is the Fifth in the series and the Indian Military has to observe it as closely as possible and draw deductions.
The China Daily, an official mouthpiece of the Chinese government and the Communist Party of China has reacted rather sharply to the objective reporting of the Indian media. The widely read newspaper said in no uncertain language that the reaction of the Indian scribes was a” Frenzy” and the Indians always wear blinkers when they view the Sino-Pak friendship. In their misplaced enthusiasm to castigate the Indian journalists they admitted that additional army battalions of the People’s Liberation Army have been deployed in the territory of the Pakistan occupied Kashmir. Of course, they used the fig leaf of humanitarian aid to cover their naked body of military aggression against India in the northern areas of Jammu and Kashmir, an integral part of the Union of India.
Fu Xiaoqiang, a noted critic on matters military also used the word FRENZY to describe the in depth analysis of the geo-military situation on the borders of India and Pakistan. He said that the charges levelled against China for harbouring hostile plans against India were absolutely baseless. Fu used another fig leaf to cover his country’s naked aggression -agenda by saying that the two countries, China and Pakistan were getting together to act against Terrorism gaining ground in the area. He conveniently ignored the hard realities that it is Pakistan that is nurturing Islamist terrorism. The Pakistan Army Chief has gone on record to say that the Pakistan Army will never kill the Taliban as they were brothers and the Taliban would defend the flanks of the Pakistan Army when it goes to war with India. Thus Pakistan is playing the double role of a thief and the Police. China chose to turn Nelson’s eye to this hard reality of Pakistan’s duplicity.
An objective military analysis of the joint jingoism of generals is not to assess their preparedness for a war on terror but to see how prepared Pakistanis are in waging a low intensity conflict bordering a limited war in the Indian sub-continent. The plea taken that the two armies would share their experiences and exchange information against top terror leaders and organisations like the Haqqani network are just some of the many plans of Deception that they wish to master together. After all it was Sun Tzu, the master strategist of China who wrote in his treatise, ART OF WAR that War is nothing but Deception.
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