Wednesday, September 16, 2009


By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM

The political blue blood is back. Yukio Hatoyama, the new Japanese Prime Minister is the grandson of Ichiro Hatoyama, a former prime minister of Japan and son of a cabinet minister. Yukio Hatoyama is blue blooded politically. He is a synthesis of the old world charm and the new world business-like action. Yukio is a thinking politician who does not make a decision in a hurry nor implement it in a jiffy. Everyone around him knows that it is difficult, if not impossible, to get his decision overturned by him. It would be an easy course of action to implement it. No beating about the bush while having a chat with him. Yuki appreciates a frontal attack on the problem rather than procrastinate. Procrastination is the thief of time. The Hatoyama Thought promotes prompt action as time is money. The world economy is money oriented, notwithstanding the economic downturn. The Japanese are proud of the fact that theirs is the second largest economy in the world.

Has Prime Minister Hatoyama inherited a throne of thorns or a crown of thorns? He would repudiate this theory right away. In any case the Prime Minister of Japan wears no crown nor sits on a throne. Japan has a hereditary monarchy and the monarch is held in divine reverence. Prime Ministers come and go but the administration goes on unhindered. Nevertheless, Yukio Hatoyama will not be sleeping on a bed of roses. He has just ousted the Democratic Party of Japan from political power where they were entrenched for a little over half a century. As a matter of fact, Yukio himself began his political career in that grand old party where his grandfather was one of the founding members, where his father flourished, became a foreign minister and his younger brother also became a minister. In 1993 Yuki broke ranks with the family’s political party and founded a new but similar one. Eventually he landed in the Liberal party to reform the old political culture of Japan. One imagines that the old colleagues of the former party would not let him rest in peace and will continue making an endeavour to dislodge his new party from power.

Yuki Hatoyama is no political greenhorn. He studies the moves of political adversaries before making his own move. He carries the experience of 62 years of life on the Japanese soil and commands the respect of his wife and son as well as his comrades-in-arms of the fledgling political party. Yuki has risen to the coveted post of Prime Minister on an agenda of CHANGE and he is committed to bring about change in all spheres of Japanese life where it is needed. He hopes that he will have the political backing of his fellow politicians and support of the electorate. The Japanese electorate exercise their franchise using their mind and it is they who were the backbone of the present change. It is hoped that their support would continue for Yuki for an appreciable period of time.

Yuki Hatoyama is a family man. He finds peace of mind and solace of soul once he is back home. His devoted wife not only supervises the cooking in the kitchen but ensures that what is served on the dining table is to her husband’s liking. The age old saying “the way to heart lies through the stomach” is as true today as it was many millennia ago. She cares more for the looks of her husband than for her own. She chooses the hairstyle that her darling hubby should sport and ensures that her will is done. The couple owns a golden retriever and love to take the dog out for a walk to relax themselves.

Their son is also a student of engineering like his father was a few decades ago. Albeit the son has chosen Russia as his country of education unlike his father’s generation that went westward, mainly the United States of America. By the way, Yuki Hatoyama is a Ph.D. in Engineering. No wonder he executes his plans with engineering precision. Although Yuki started his career as a lecturer in engineering but he found politics more attractive. His decision has paid rich dividends. He is the Prime Minister of Japan today.
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