Saturday, May 21, 2011


By Brigadier Chitranjan Sawant,VSM
Unbelievable but true it is that the United States of America and Israel are not bosom friends any more. The closeness that the two countries experienced since the birth of the only Jewish state in the world in the late 1940s on cessation of hostilities in World War II is conspicuous by its absence now. The change in the very warm and friendly relationship between the two countries is a direct result of the new Middle-East policy formulated by President Barack Obama. He extended his hand of friendship to the Muslim community to end the confrontation between the major Christian but secular state, USA and the Arab-Muslim countries of the Middle-East. Obama’s idea was to have bon-homie, peace and prosperity in the conflict region so that America does not have to do Policing time and again. Of course making peace overtures to the Islamic countries of the region did not go well with Israel as it hurt its vital interests.
The Jewish community in the United States, especially in the New York state is sizeable in numbers and economic prosperity and thereby exercises political influence. The changed Mid-East policy of USA has not gone well with the Jewish-Americans. The general perception is that Obama has shown this tilt towards Muslim interests because of his own Islamic background. Isn’t it a fact that his biological and real father is a practising Muslim from Kenya and was introduced as such at the Presidential inauguration ceremony in Washington DC. Further, Barack Obama spent the impressionable period of his life in Indonesia, a predominantly Muslim country. Perhaps that explains the tilt towards Islam in the new foreign policy of USA being promoted byBarack Obama now.
The eye of the Islamic world is presently focussed on the manner and method that USA will adopt to implement the new foreign policy of keeping both Israel and Palestine on board in the formation of a new full fledged State with economically viable and militarily defensible borders. The real clash of political interest between Israel and Palestine starts here. America wants to create a new state of Palestine with boundaries that existed prior to the 1967 war between Arabs and Israel that the former lost. Under no circumstances is Israel prepared to cede the territory to Arabs that it had won in the 1967 Arab-Israel war of six days. Benjamin Netanyahu, the present Prime Minister of Israel has already declared the new boundaries of Israel, as proposed by America, as indefensible. The Palestinians wish to have Jerusalem as their capital whereas the Israelis already have the ancient city as their symbolic capital. Jerusalem is dear to heart of Muslims, Christians, and now Jews too. Eventually Jerusalem may turn out to be the main bone of contention. So, one may say that fruits will belong to the man who nurtured the plants and helped them grow into trees.
In a round of negotiations,it is the final word that matters. Likewise, it is the Supreme Court that will be the final arbiter of thousands of feet, hands and mouths to feed. Americans were cool, calm and collected when the chips were down and it was a matter of life and death. The Americanshad cheese in their custody what they wanted most.
Sri Benjamin Netanyah, PrimeMinister of the youngest powerful State of the world, Benjamin Netanyahu may find no reception organised for him because of some misunderstanding among the major negotiating powers. In the last two years, that is since Obama became the President of the United States, the relationship between Benjamin Netanyahu, Youngish looking President of the United States do not enjoy a close friendly relationship, what to say of being bosom friends where they can boast of breaking bread together when they move out of the negotiation room. Since the two Prime Ministers have come to the negotiation tables more to poke fun at each other and peep into his private life, if any. Even the Prime Minister of the youngest baby on the world stage has blessed the ongoing talks but did not display own car keys. While discussing the matters of state, it is the tiny tot that draws your attention and leaves the rest to the world community to work on the ticklish state.
In any case it is well known from day one that Barack Obama and Benyamin Netanyahuare not warm to each other. They are barely on nodding terms and hate to look into apple of the eye or find out what the grand child is doing. Even a beginner of military psychology will say that how can they negotiate since the bandage helps commence conversation. It would not be inappropriate for the Prime Minister of country X to say Hello to the Prime Minister of country Y so that there is some thaw in the otherwise cold conversation that had failed to commence.
The dark clouds are in abundance. There is no silver lining, though. If the doctors do that, the hospital building will collapse. It is said that mere touch of human beings who are blessed with holistic healing will go a long way in making or unmaking of a real hospital.
As of now, leaders of important countries of the world feel cheated on being left out. It is not the food that matters, it is the fact of being seen at the negotiating table that matters. After all it is the human society where one upmanship will remain in currency. It is applicable to men and women of all professions and this kind of politico-social mixing gives the prime minister or any other minister that all important aura that all of us crave for.
Benyamin Netanyahu has already rejected the call of Barack Obama to make the boundaries that existed in 1967 as the base for the negotiation to take off. He has reiterated that those boundaries for Israel are indefensible and, therefore, will render the State of Israel vulnerable even to feeble attacks of one-man army of some unimportant Islamist terror outfit. It appears that the situation will be back to square one and all concerned will go home for a homely reunion with own folks.
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